DELTAS Africa Annual Grantees Meeting 2017
DELTAS Africa Annual Grantees Meeting 2017
Monday, July 3, 2017
On 3-5 July the Alliance for Accelerating Excellence in Science in Africa (AESA) will host the Developing Excellence in Leadership, Training and Science (DELTAS) Africa Annual Grantees Meeting in Accra, Ghana.
Launched in 2015 by the African Academy of Sciences and the NEPAD Agency’s Alliance for Accelerating Excellence in Science in Africa (AESA) with the support of the Wellcome Trust and the UK’s Department for International Development, DELTAS Africa is supporting the development of scientific leaders in Africa through master’s, PhD and postdoctoral fellowships and building the capacity to produce world class research that addresses Africa’s health and research priorities. Eleven programmes involving 54 institutions in 21 African countries are being funded through the DELTAS Africa programme.
The meeting, which is being jointly organised with the West African Centre for Cell Biology of Infectious Pathogens —one of the 11 DELTAS Africa programmes —and the University of Ghana will showcase the progress of DELTAS Africa through an exciting programme that includes:Read more ...